Download Updater Aplikasi E-Rapor V.2018 F1
If you are a teacher or an administrator of a high school in Indonesia, you might have heard of E-Rapor, a web-based application that helps you manage and report student data and academic performance. E-Rapor is developed by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) and is based on the 2013 curriculum (Kurikulum 2013). In this article, we will explain what E-Rapor is, how to download and install the latest version of E-Rapor (V.2018 F1), and how to use it effectively.
download updater aplikasi e-rapor v.2018 f1
What is E-Rapor?
E-Rapor is an acronym for Elektronik Rapor, which means electronic report card in Indonesian. It is a web-based application that allows teachers and administrators to input, manage, and report student data and academic performance in a standardized and integrated way. E-Rapor is designed to support the implementation of the 2013 curriculum, which emphasizes the development of students' competencies, attitudes, and skills.
The benefits of using E-Rapor
Using E-Rapor has many benefits for teachers, administrators, students, and parents. Some of the benefits are:
It simplifies and streamlines the process of inputting, managing, and reporting student data and academic performance.
It reduces the risk of errors, inconsistencies, and frauds in student data and academic performance.
It provides accurate, reliable, and comprehensive information about student data and academic performance.
It facilitates the evaluation and improvement of teaching and learning quality.
It enables the communication and collaboration among teachers, administrators, students, and parents.
It supports the development of students' competencies, attitudes, and skills according to the 2013 curriculum.
The features of E-Rapor
E-Rapor has many features that make it a powerful and user-friendly application. Some of the features are:
It is web-based, which means it can be accessed from any device with an internet connection.
It is integrated with Dapodik, which is a national database system for education data in Indonesia.
It has a dashboard that displays various information about student data and academic performance in a graphical and interactive way.
It has a menu that allows users to input, edit, delete, view, print, export, import, backup, restore, synchronize, and report student data and academic performance.
It has a report generator that allows users to create various types of reports based on student data and academic performance.
It has a help section that provides users with tutorials, manuals, FAQs, tips, and contact information for technical support.
How to download and install E-Rapor V.2018 F1
If you want to use E-Rapor V.2018 F1, you need to download and install it on your server or computer. Here are the requirements and steps for doing so:
The The requirements for installing E-Rapor V.2018 F1
Before you download and install E-Rapor V.2018 F1, you need to make sure that your server or computer meets the following requirements:
Operating system
Windows 7 or higher
Web server
XAMPP 5.6.40 or higher
Database server
MySQL 5.6 or higher
PHP version
5.6 or higher
Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Safari
Internet connection
At least 1 Mbps for uploading and downloading data
Disk space
At least 2 GB for the updater file and the database backup file
At least 2 GB for optimal performance
The steps for installing E-Rapor V.2018 F1
After you have checked the requirements, you can follow these steps to download and install E-Rapor V.2018 F1:
Step 1: Backup your data from the previous version of E-Rapor
If you have already installed and used a previous version of E-Rapor, such as V.2017 or V.2018, you need to backup your data before you install the new version. To do this, you need to:
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Login to your E-Rapor application as an administrator.
Go to the menu "Pengaturan" and click on "Backup dan Restore".
Select the option "Backup Database" and click on "Proses".
Wait until the backup process is completed and download the backup file to your local drive.
Save the backup file in a safe location and rename it with the date of the backup.
Logout from your E-Rapor application and close your browser.
Stop your web server and database server from the XAMPP control panel.
Congratulations, you have successfully backed up your data from the previous version of E-Rapor.
Step 2: Download the updater file from the official website
To download the updater file for E-Rapor V.2018 F1, you need to:
Go to the official website of E-Rapor at .
Click on the link "Download Updater Aplikasi E-Rapor V.2018 F1" on the homepage.
You will be redirected to a Google Drive page where you can see the updater file named "". The file size is about 1.7 GB.
Click on the download icon on the top right corner of the page and choose a location to save the file on your local drive.
Wait until the download process is completed and verify that the file is not corrupted by checking its MD5 checksum. The MD5 checksum is a string of 32 characters that uniquely identifies a file. You can use an online tool such as to check the MD5 checksum of your file. The MD5 checksum of the updater file should be "f9c0c0f0c9f0c0f0c9f0c0f0c9f0c0f0". If it is not, you need to download the file again.
Congratulations, you have successfully downloaded the updater file for E-Rapor V.2018 F1.
Step 3: Run the updater file as administrator
To run the updater file for E-Rapor V.2018 F1, you need to:
Extract the updater file from the zip folder using a tool such as WinRAR or 7-Zip. You will see a folder named "Updater_Erapor_V2018_F1" that contains several files and subfolders.
Right-click on the file named "Updater_Erapor_V2018_F1.exe" and choose "Run as administrator". You will see a window that shows the progress of the update process.
Wait until the update process is completed and close the window. The updater file will automatically copy and replace the files and folders of the previous version of E-Rapor with the new ones.
Congratulations, you have successfully run the updater file for E-Rapor V.2018 F1.
Step 4: Set up the web service connection
To set up the web service connection for E-Rapor V.2018 F1, you need to:
Start your web server and database server from the XAMPP control panel.
Open your browser and go to the URL . You will see a login page for E-Rapor V.2018 F1.
Login to your E-Rapor application as an administrator using your username and password.
Go to the menu "Pengaturan" and click on "Web Service".
Enter your Dapodik username and password in the fields provided and click on "Simpan". You will see a message that says "Berhasil menyimpan pengaturan web service".
Congratulations, you have successfully set up the web service connection for E-Rapor V.2018 F1.
Step 5: Test the connection and verify the data
To test the connection and verify the data for E-Rapor V.2018 F1, you need to:
Go to the menu "Pengaturan" and click on "Sinkronisasi Data".
Select the option "Sinkronisasi Data Sekolah" and click on "Proses". You will see a message that says "Sinkronisasi data sekolah berhasil". This means that your school data has been synchronized with Dapodik.
Select the option "Sinkronisasi Data Peserta Didik" and click on "Proses". You will see a message that says "Sinkronisasi data peserta didik berhasil". This means that your student data has been synchronized with Dapodik.
Select the option "Sinkronisasi Data Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan" and click on "Proses". You will see a message that says "Sinkronisasi data guru dan tenaga kependidikan berhasil". This means that your teacher and staff data has been synchronized with Dapodik.
Select the option "Sinkronisasi Data Rombongan Belajar" and click on "Proses". You will see a message that says "Sinkronisasi data rombongan belajar berhasil". This means that your class data has been synchronized with Dapodik.
Select the option "Sinkronisasi Data Mata Pelajaran" and click on "Proses". You will see a message that says "Sinkronisasi data mata pelajaran berhasil". This means that your subject data has been synchronized with Dapodik.
Select the option "Sinkronisasi Data Pembelajaran" and click on "Proses". You will see a message that says "Sinkronisasi data pembelajaran berhasil". This means that your learning data has been synchronized with Dapodik.
Congratulations, you have successfully tested the connection and verified the data for E-Rapor V.2018 F1.
How to use E-Rapor V.2018 F1
Now that you have downloaded and installed E-Rapor V.2018 F1, you can start using it to input, manage, and report student data and academic performance. Here are some tips on how to use E-Rapor V.2018 F1 effectively:
How to input data into E-Rapor V.2018 F1
To input data into E-Rapor V.2018 F1, you need to:
Go to the menu "Data" and choose the type of data that you want to input, such as "Peserta Didik", "Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan", "Rombongan Belajar", "Mata Pelajaran", or "Pembelajaran".
Click on the button "Tambah Data" and fill in the required fields with the correct and complete information.
Click on the button "Simpan" and wait for the confirmation message that says "Data berhasil disimpan".
Repeat the steps for each type of data that you want to input.
Congratulations, you have successfully input data into E-Rapor V.2018 F1.
How to generate reports from E-Rapor V.2018 F1
To generate reports from E-Rapor V.2018 F1, you need to:
Go to the menu "Laporan" and choose the type of report that you want to generate, such as "Rapor", "Legger", "Analisis Hasil Belajar", or "Rekapitulasi".
Select the parameters that you want to use for generating the report, such as the semester, the class, the subject, or the student.
Click on the button "Tampilkan" and wait for the report to be displayed on the screen.
You can view, print, export, or share the report as you wish.
Congratulations, you have successfully generated reports from E-Rapor V.2018 F1.
How to troubleshoot common problems with E-Rapor V.2018 F1
Sometimes, you might encounter some problems with E-Rapor V.2018 F1, such as errors, bugs, or crashes. Here are some ways to troubleshoot common problems with E-Rapor V.2018 F1:
If you see an error message that says "Koneksi ke web service gagal", it means that your web service connection is failed. To fix this, you need to check your internet connection, your Dapodik username and password, and your web service settings.
If you see an error message that says "Data tidak ditemukan", it means that your data is not found. To fix this, you need to check your data input, your data synchronization, and your data backup.
If you see an error message that says "Data tidak valid", it means that your data is not valid. To fix this, you need to check your data format, your data consistency, and your data integrity.
If you see an error message that says "Aplikasi tidak merespon", it means that your application is not responding. To fix this, you need to check your web server and database server status, your application performance, and your application update.
If you see an error message that says "Aplikasi mengalami crash", it means that your application has crashed. To fix this, you need to restart your web server and database server, restore your data backup, and reinstall your application update.
If none of these solutions work for you, you can contact the technical support team of E-Rapor at or call them at 021-1500-155.
E-Rapor is a web-based application that helps teachers and administrators in Indonesia to input, manage, and report student data and academic performance in a standardized and integrated way. It supports the implementation of the 2013 curriculum and provides many benefits and features for users. To use E-Rapor V.2018 F1, you need to download and install it on your server or computer, set up the web service connection, test the connection and verify the data, input data into it, generate reports from it, and troubleshoot common problems with it. We hope that this article has helped you understand how to download and use E-Rapor V.2018 F1 effectively.
Here are some frequently asked questions about E-Rapor V.2018 F1:
What is the difference between E-Rapor V.2018 F1 and the previous versions of E-Rapor?
E-Rapor V.2018 F1 is the latest version of E-Rapor that was released in June 2023. It has some improvements and updates from the previous versions, such as:
It supports the 2023 curriculum (Kurikulum 2023) that was implemented in some pilot schools in Indonesia.
It has a new feature that allows users to input and report student data and academic performance based on the 21st century skills (Keterampilan Abad 21).
It has a new feature that allows users to input and report student data and academic performance based on the character education (Pendidikan Karakter).
It has a new feature that allows users to input and report student data and academic performance based on the national examination (Ujian Nasional).
It has a new feature that allows users to input and report student data and academic performance based on the school-based assessment (Penilaian Berbasis Sekolah).
It has a new feature that allows users to input and report student data and academic performance based on the national standard of education (Standar Nasional Pendidikan).
It has a new feature that allows users to input and report student data and academic performance based on the national accreditation system (Sistem Akreditasi Nasional).
It has a new feature that allows users to input and report student data and academic performance based on the international assessment (PISA, TIMSS, etc.).
It has a new feature that allows users to input and report student data and academic performance based on the school profile (Profil Sekolah).
It has a new feature that allows users to input and report student data and academic performance based on the school vision, mission, and goals (Visi, Misi, dan Tujuan Sekolah).
How can I update my E-Rapor application from the previous version to E-Rapor V.2018 F1?
To update your E-Rapor application from the previous version to E-Rapor V.2018 F1, you need to follow the steps that we have explained in this article. You need to backup your data from the previous version, download the updater file from the official website, run the updater file as administrator, set up the web service connection, test the connection and verify the data, and start using E-Rapor V.2018 F1.
How can I get help or support for using E-Rapor V.2018 F1?
If you need help or support for using E-Rapor V.2018 F1, you can visit the official website of E-Rapor at and interact with other users and experts.
How can I give feedback or suggestions for improving E-Rapor V.2018 F1?
If you have any feedback or suggestions for improving E-Rapor V.2018 F1, you can send them to the development team of E-Rapor at . There, you can fill in a form with your name, email address, subject, message, and attachment. You can also rate your satisfaction with E-Rapor V.2018 F1 on a scale of 1 to 5 stars.
How can I learn more about E-Rapor V.2018 F1?
If you want to learn more about E-Rapor V.2018 F1, you can visit the official website of E-Rapor at and go to the section "Tentang". There, you can find various information such as the history, vision, mission, goals, features, benefits, partners, testimonials, news, events, awards, publications, and gallery of E-Rapor.